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Non pathologising approach: 

I think it is important for me to say that I am critical of the psychiatric system. While many people find it helpful (and necessary) to get a psychiatric diagnosis, I believe that words carry hidden meanings and power and have been used to stigmatise and generalise. My wish is to hold a space where the 'whole' of you is welcome, free from labels and free to be whole heartedly and unashamedly you. 

I believe that there is an awful lot of inequality and oppression in the world, and believe that systems, structures (and labels) can tell false stories about us. We may find ourselves thinking that we are 'mentally ill' - when in fact the system has forced us to adapt in ways that may appear to be 'symptoms' of 'illness' but are actually very wise and creative parts of us that have helped us to survive in the world. The person centred approach takes the view that your thoughts, feelings and behaviours are all valid responses in the context of your previous and current experience. 

It is important to add that this does not mean dismissing your very real 'symptoms' of distress - quite the opposite in fact. I am far more interested in your unique experience and how you make sense of it as a unique individual, rather than what others have decided is 'wrong' with you. 

If you find your label / diagnosis helpful and useful then by all means let's bring it into the room! However, in order for me to be as authentic and real as possible in our work together, I believe it is important for me to name my position regarding this dominant way of framing distress as a 'disorder'. 

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